Minecraft 1.11.2 plugins
Minecraft 1.11.2 plugins

If all goes well, you should get a file called Spigot-1.14.2.jar in the same directory with BuildTools.jar (the version number in the filename may be different if Spigot has been updated since I posted this). Open a command prompt (or a terminal window) and navigate to the directory you placed it it. Place it in an otherwise empty directory. You need to link against Spigot in order to compile plugins, so you’ll need a local copy of Spigot to link to, even if you never actually run it. It will automatically install if you try to run something that needs Java, however, the version it installs is old (Java 6) and Bukkit/Spigot development requires at least Java 7, so you will need to download the newer Java even if you already have the system Java. Note for OS X users: OS X no longer ships Java by default. Linux users can try installing the java-8-openjdk package. only has JREs, you have to go to Oracle’s site for the JDK. Make sure you get the JDK, not the JRE, and make sure you have the correct one for your operating system.

minecraft 1.11.2 plugins

Download the Java SE JDK from Oracle’s site. You need the Java Development Kit, not the Runtime Environment. Setting up your development environment Install Java I’m posting this anyway because I do a few things differently. How to create a Minecraft/Bukkit/Spigot plugin on the SpigotMC website. Update: since writing this up, I discovered a very nice page on the Spigot Wiki documenting much of this, which seems to be mysteriously absent from the search engine searches I did trying to find this information (or at least ranked low enough that all the YouTube videos and a bunch of forum posts that skirt this issue outrank it). So I figured I’d write one, and here it is! Another friend of mine was also recently trying to get into writing a plugin for Spigot, and everything I could find to point him at which was text-based rather than a YouTube video was very outdated, had instructions that were no longer relevant because Bukkit and Spigot and Eclipse have all evolved since then, etc. This is where having a text and pictures version of a tutorial comes in handy, so you can skim through it looking for the parts you still need to know, and easily skip over the stuff you already know. For some people that’s great, but as someone who is already a coder and I just need to know the environment-specific details for coding for Minecraft I have a really hard time sitting through an hour of tutorial videos just to get the four things I needed to know that I didn’t already know how to do.

minecraft 1.11.2 plugins

The Minecraft community seems to have an obsession with doing everything on YouTube.

Minecraft 1.11.2 plugins